Monday 25 April 2016

Monday April 25th, 2016 - Decision Day!

Well, after a horrible night's sleep due to my snoring, I've decided this is it, enough is enough.  Within minutes of falling asleep, my poor wife was nudging me since my snoring was too loud for her to fall asleep.  Crap.  While to date I had let my weight gain bother only me, now it affected someone else. Someone I love and care about very much.  For whatever reason, this was the straw that broke the camel's back.  Today I change, for real, for sure, period.

Life is busy.  It happens to each and everyone of us. Work. Kids. Family. Friends. Social Life. So many things going on, we can be guilty at times of not taking the time for ourselves, and not looking after ourselves.

And we have excuses!  Oh I am the best at that one!  My knee hurts. My feet hurt. I went to bed too late. I am too tired. I don't like that class. I have no time. I had too much to drink last night. They go on. And on. And on. In fact, I may have come with every excuse possible why I can't/didn't eat healthy, nor exercise or go to the gym.  Well today it stops.  I have to make a change, or changes will happen to me/my life that I have no control over......heart attack, stroke, or worse, death!

It's funny, I even made a mental list recently.....the Pro's & Con's of being overweight.  In my mind, the list was labeled "Being Overwight versus Being In Shape", and seeing it written is quite funny.....

Pros of Being Overweight/Unhealthy

- Understandably, their isn't one I could come up with.....thank god.

Cons of Being Overweight/Unhealthy

- poor self esteem
- uncomfortable
- feel lethargic
- need new clothes
- some traditional clothing stores don't carry my size or just don't fit right
- lower sex drive
- penis looks/feels smaller/less hard
- less sexual stamina
- knowing people look at you and think "wow did he ever gain weight"

Pros of Being Healthy & Fit

- incredible self esteem
- can wear wardrobe of awesome clothes that I have in my closet
- better sex drive
- penis is bigger! (less fat covering it up at the base!)
- more sexual stamina!
- fit easier in airplane seats
- no snoring!
- feel better
- likely live longer

Cons of Being Healthy & Fit

- Some hard work and discipline to get there

Good list eh?

So, it's time.  Enough is enough.  I woke up this morning determined that I am going to make positive changes in my life, starting today.  Wish me luck!!